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Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take to learn to glide?

The first goal is to go solo. Everyone learns at different speed, but for the average person the rule of thumb is, your age plus 40 flights.

How long can you glide for?

The world record for the longest glider flight is just over 70 hours, but in general the limit will be the pilot’s endurance and ability to find rising air.

How much does it cost to learn to glide?

The cost to get your Glider Pilot’s Licence will vary from person to person, depending on how fast you learn, but budget for an amount between R40,000 and R60,000.

How does a glider fly without an enige?

The atmosphere is not stable, air rises and sinks constantly. Gliders make use of this instability to gain altitude that is converted into flying distance. There are three mains types of lift that glider pilots seek out. Ridge Lift, Thermal Lift and Wave. See this excellent video explaining how gliders fly.

How far can gliders fly?

The world record glider flight is over 3000km in one day. The average cross country pilot will fly as far as conditions allow in a day. Initially the goal is to reach your Silver distance of 50km. There after it gets more difficult and the steps increase to 300km, 500km, 750km, 1000km and finally 1250km. These task flight are considered more difficult if done in a triangular pattern, returning to the launch site.

How high can gliders fly?

The highest glider flight was achieved by The Perlan Project and was over 85,000ft. Higher than a U2 Spy Plane.

Is it safe to fly without an engine?

Gliding is no more dangerous than other forms of aviation. Training is of a high standard and safety is taken extremely serious.

Is gliding expensive?

Gliding is one of the most affordable ways of learning to fly.

How old to do you have to be to get your Glider Pilot Licence?

Students as young as 14 can start to fly with an instructor and can go solo on their 16th birthday if they’ve reached the required proficiency/

Any there any limitations on pilots size and weight?

Your weight should be between 50kg and 100kg and your hight between 5ft and 6.4ft. Please check with us.

Who is the Soaring Society and why should I be a member?

All glider pilots in South Africa are members of the Soaring Society. The Soaring Society of South Africa promotes gliding in South Africa and acts as central body to communicate with the Civil Aviation Authority in SA.

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